Our Solutions
Our AI-enabled digital first tax reclamation platform sets a new industry standard. TaxTec clients benefit from a more effective automated solution based on advanced specialist technology, eliminating errors by removing manual processes.
At TaxTec, there are no legacy systems or outdated infrastructure.
ADR Tax Relief Agent
With over 3,800 current sponsored and un-sponsored ADR programs issued in 70 countries, TaxTec has a team dedicated to serving the needs of issuers, tax-exempt US investors and their agents.
Our dedicated global research team constantly updates and maintains records including rates and tax treaties to facilitate optimization of relief and recovery.
As a disrupter and new market entrant, we at TaxTec are fully aligned with our clients interests and have already been recognized as the ‘go-to’ provider for ADR agent services.
Withholding Tax Reclaims
Our mission is to maximize tax reclamation at the lowest cost for institutional investors and their service providers.
We provide global market coverage and have developed cutting-edge ISO accredited digital technology including a proprietary database, enabling the fastest possible reclaims in each and every market.
Whether you are seeking a secure, efficient outsourcing service or a SaaS proposition to facilitate and automate your reclaims, TaxTec is the market leading cost effective solution.
Claims Monetization
At TaxTec we appreciate that recovering tax claim payments can be both a lengthy process and an administrative burden for investors.
Whether you are seeking to reinvest income, essential for portfolio and investment planning or managing funds in wind down/liquidation, we help clients turn receivables into immediate income.
TaxTec clients benefit from a robust streamlined monetization process involving minimal effort while maximizing returns.
ECJ Claims
While each EU member state is responsible for their own tax rules, they cannot contravene established principles, meaning that tax treatments must not contradict the provisions enshrined in EU treaties.
Where member states have taxed a domestic investment funds differently to comparable foreign investment funds potentially constitutes a discriminatory tax practice, contradictory to Article 63 of the Treaty of the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
The ECJ has set a number of precedents through landmark judgements enabling the reclamation of additional withholding tax in excess of treaty-based claims on the basis of unjustifiable discrimination against foreign funds. Working with a specialist partner, TaxTec can help you claim additional withholding tax where the foreign fund is comparable to a local investment fund. Through TaxTec you could receive a refund via the ECJ claim mechanism increasing your tax savings on dividend income by up to 30%.